all home!

Well, the family got home yesterday!

Ginger is now sick, and Ian & Henry are still sick and dealing with the messy effects of the stomach bug. Poor mom & dad!

Along with breathing treatments Ian is on steroids again. Last night when asked if they were hungry and ready to eat dinner, Ian’s response was an emphatic “yes,” while Henry simply responded, “I don’t like dinner.” Oh well!

Keep praying, everyone is exhausted and hoping things can go back to “normal” as soon as possible.

For maximum cuteness, click here to see the boys demonstrate the most efficient way to eat noodles.

twins with trains

twins with trains

good news!

Ginger writes:

Henry’s platelets continue to climb, and his NK cell function test was within normal range…So we are going home today!!

brother twins, at CHLA this morning

brother twins, at CHLA this morning (obviously they’re not identical, but if anyone ever wonders which is which, just look for ian’s chin, or henry’s hair)

Short post, but we had to let everyone know. There’s still a lot the doctors need to figure out, but it’s ALWAYS better to have everyone home.! ~cnp

brief henry update!

Ginger writes:

Platelets more than doubled today from yesterday, although still technically critically low.

Henry tested positive for RSV and the virus that causes Roseola, but my understanding is that doesn’t necessarily explain the extreme drop in platelets. We may be able to go home tomorrow as long as platelets go up tomorrow and the last send out lab comes back as normal.

Henry the kitty

Henry the kitty

Please be praying for a super boost in platelets! The family would so love to have everyone home, this has been an exhausting week in so many ways. Thank you!! ~cnp

Henry update…

again, written by our dear friend anna…

I had a chance to talk with Ginger tonight [last night, 14th] and wanted all of you to know how sweet Henry is doing.

Screen shot 2013-08-15 at 9.57.47 AMHe is feeling MUCH better!  He wants to go home, and of course his parents want him to be able to.  However, there are still a few issues that need to be resolved before that is to happen.   Henry tested positive for a virus that causes Roseola, which will generally clear up on its own unless (as in Henry’s case) there are other complications. Here is how we can continue to pray.

Henry’s heart rate, while he sleeps, is unusually low.  Upper 40’s to lower 50’s.  It is rather strange and they don’t seem to have a definite answer for it other than that he is still sick and is recovering.  We can pray that his heart will begin to work as an active child’s should.  Along these same lines, please pray for Joey and Ginger as they take turns sleeping at the hospital.  I think we all know how difficult it is anyway, but combine that with an alarm going off repeatedly throughout the night due to Henry’s low heart rate and you can imagine how worn out they must be.

hanging out with mama and Mousey

hanging out with mama and Mousey

Another alarming issue is Henry’s low platelet count.  His body seems to be recovering well at this point, but his platelet count is in the 12,000 range.  An acceptable count would be in the neighborhood of 150,000.  But Ginger told me that the last time they did a blood test on Henry when he was well, his count was between 300,000-400,000.  Hopefully those numbers help you to understand how low his count really is.  Again – it is odd that it should still be so low considering his improvement.  Please pray that this number would dramatically jump in the next 24 hours.  He will not be allowed to go home should it remain this way.

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So far, the tests that are being run to rule out HLH have been coming back normal.  There is one test still out that checks the NK (Natural Killer) cells – part of white blood cells.  It is rather important that this test come back with normal results.  Ginger was told today that if the results are abnormal, then hematology will recommend that they proceed with Henry as though he has HLH and begin “treatment”.  What they mean by this is that they would start Henry on chemotherapy and radiation and ultimately, a bone marrow transplant. A very drastic response to one test.

That being said, Ginger and Joey are not convinced that an abnormal test result is a absolute that Henry has HLH.  They would have to consult with many other doctors before that – and Henry is doing so well now, that it seems unlikely that  the test would be anything BUT normal.  But we also know that things have not gone “normally” for these boys from the beginning, so please pray for that normal result!

helping the nurse remove the IV tube

helping the nurse remove the IV tube

Caid and Ian

Caid and Ian

Please also remember Caid and Ian at home.  Caid began school this week, so it was a particularly difficult time for the family to be split in so many different ways.  Pray for a spirit of peace upon Caid and Ian as their routine and structure is in a time of upheaval.

Also ask for a huge measure of blessing and grace to be poured out on those that are stepping in to help care for them while Ginger and Joey tend to Henry and work.

Joey and Ginger are concerned that there could be some underlying complication with the boys’ immune systems that has not been found, or cannot be found due to the very little known about HLH.  There seems to be a pattern in their illnesses.  One that would indicate that the same “thing” is being triggered every time, causing the boys to react in the ways that they have every time they become very sick.  If this is the case, and something can be done, please pray for wisdom for these doctors.  That they would be able to see into this disorder, make sense of it, and be able to prevent these situations from becoming what they have.  Each time these boys get sick, it becomes a gut-wrenching guessing game for their parents of what to do, when to do it, am I just being paranoid?  May the Lord give them an abundance of mercy and clarity in these moments.

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I know that this is such a well-known and used verse, but each word in it speaks to their trials:

6    Do not be anxious about anything; but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  -Phil. 4:6-7

So much anxiety surrounding the well-being of your children, anxiety about whether or not the doctors are doing the right thing, anxiety about whether or not YOU’RE doing the right thing, anxiety about their future.  But by prayer and petition – OUR prayer and petition, on their behalf – with thanksgiving for the lives of these two little boys, we make our request to God.  Knowing that He is able and willing to give a peace that passeth understanding – even when we question what is happening.  Rejoicing that He WILL guard their hearts and minds.

Thank you, to all of you.

In Him,

Prayers for Henry

I cannot thank you all enough for the prayers on behalf of Ian last month.  As you all know, he is doing very well, receiving continued care and follow-up appointments.

The reason for this post, however, is to let you know that Ian’s twin brother, Henry, has been admitted to the hospital as of last night.  He had been struggling for a couple of days with a fever, vomiting and fatigue that seemed to get worse as time went on.  Joey and Ginger took him in on Sunday evening to be safe.  The doctors are currently running a barrage of tests in hopes to pinpoint if there is anything that they might need to address.

big brother (and mousey) to the rescue

big brother (and mousey) to the rescue

If you are not aware already, Henry has NOT been diagnosed with HLH as Ian was.  They are, however, checking certain “markers” to make sure that what is going on with Henry is not indicative of HLH.  I do know that he was feeling a little bit better this afternoon, but will hopefully know a little bit more about any test results tomorrow.

I know that they count it as precious that each one of you loves them so very much to stand with them in prayer.

~credits to our dear family friend anna for writing this.

small steps forward

Joey gave a quick update:

“Ian is still improving, their goal is to take out the breathing tube tomorrow if he’s breathing well enough. Then they can take him off the sedation as well… The only negative is that he’s still losing platelets (which could be a result of the virus) but the doctors aren’t alarmed and expect his platelet production to pick up soon.”

just waking up

ian just waking up yesterday evening

(cnp writing now) I got to hang out with Henry yesterday afternoon.

In between playing with Caid’s SUPER awesome plush eel (which is a real treat, as Caid was out on a play-date), building marble obstacle courses, watching a movie, and taking a nap–Henry showed me, in his own little 2-and-three-quarters year old way, what his twin brother means to him, and the importance of his life.

I was making dinner, and Henry was in his booster seat at the table. “Want some milk, Henry?” i asked. “Mmm! Yes! Milk!” He said, smiling. I poured some milk into a teal colored sippy cup and took it over to him. As i sat it down, he said matter-of-factly “No, that’s Ian’s cup”.

“It’s ok, Henry,” i replied, “you can still drink it.”

“No, that’s Ian’s cup,” he said again. “My is the blue cup. That’s Ian’s cup…”

I told him okay, (isn’t the cup i gave him blue….? i thought to myself) But sure enough, there was another–dark blue–sippy cup sitting on the shelf. He drank out of that one with gusto.

henry and the awesome eel

henry and the awesome eel

Henry understands that Ian’s will come home again. And he’s gonna need his cup. ~~cnp

Drawing with the twins

I went to pay Ian & Henry (and Ginger) a visit today, and took a video of the boys enjoying their manga-doodles.

One of my favorite parts is when Ian runs in from the kitchen after getting washed up, and Henry says, “Hey Ian, how bout this, Ian?” and the “ta-daaa” at the end is pretty great, too. Enjoy!

Ian has a cold, and was running a low fever today. So if you think of it, please keep him in your prayers. Thanks…!


some recent pictures…


Ginger: Caid wrapping up homework. I will never again underestimate the power of having a dry erase board, it makes spelling practice fun! 


Ginger: Ian at CHOC waiting for torture, err, I mean, three vaccines and two blood draws.




Ginger: We come to the park for the sticks and dirt


colleen: Henry gets a balancing helping hand from great-grandpa Floyd!

a few pictures to brighten your day…

i’d like to start off with the greatest family portrait in the history of the universe…

Family Christmas Photo 2012!

Family Christmas Photo 2012! Thanks Adrea Scheidler, Photography

Caid’s letter to santa on Christmas Eve…

Ginger's caption: "Caid's letter with cookies, milk and a dragon: To Santa Santa, I want you to see this dragon I hope you like it. And I have cookies Love Caid No Bad guys aloud!"

Ginger’s caption: “Caid’s letter with cookies, milk and a dragon: To Santa Santa, I want you to see this dragon I hope you like it. And I have cookies Love Caid No Bad guys aloud!”

Henry being adorable…

Ginger's caption: "Henry went under here and then said 'So cute'!"

Ginger’s caption: “Henry went under here and then said ‘So cute’!”

and finally, a little video i took the evening the family got home from their Christmas visit to AZ…

The twins are unfortunately still experiencing a lot of illness. Ginger will update on all of that soon, but the family could really use prayers for healing. Thank you! Hope everyone had a wonderful new year! ~~cnp